Last seen: Feb 22, 2021
@atmchuck my view is that browser manufacturers cannot stop someone from running arbitrary javascript code like the js-ipfs library. They also can't s...
regarding the manifesto claiming that IPFS is deficient in canonical origin of data and access control, I am not sure this is really the case. It seem...
Youtube removed Pewdiepies cocomelon diss track. Here it is on Odysee/p>
@xman yeah i got bit by the "lose everything you just typed while trying to edit something that wont allow you to edit it in the end" issue myself
@zxq9 i wonder if the IPFS in brave browser can publish an IPNS record that the rest of the internet can resolve. I also wonder if i can use the crypt...
@atmchuck how can IPFS be easily shut down?
Identity: RSA keys generated in the browser that can be used to sign messages, and even be used to publish IPNS updates in IPFS. Hosts/Platforms: Wi...
I've been working on something that is based on similar ideas. Not a perfect match but i think it is neato.
@admin I have built a proof of concept prototype for the ideas described above. It does work, but it is rudimentary at this stage. Github: Tech d...
@tim regarding deleting content, moderating/tagging content etc, this is certainly a concern. As it stands with the base concept I'm thinking of, to d...
@tim :) well what I'm thinking of would be on top of IPFS yup, but part of IPFS is a thing called IPNS which is a name resolution service. with an IPN...
@celrisen is there a standalone version of this Feeds that just works in browser without needing to be an app?
@elros looking forward to trying it out. would ones identity be an rsa pubkey or something like that? is it a dag on top of ipfs? how are you resolvin...
i really do feel like Matthias Beyer lays it out pretty well with this article: I just had some issues with ipns in the browser being able to cre...
my vision for this is a standalone html/javascript web page that anyone can copy to their computer. after loading the page a creator would add their p...